Friday, December 18, 2009

Project 7- Day 1

Today was our first day of working on project 7 and I got next to nothing accomplished. I spent the class experimenting with synths in Sytrus. I ended up with one in the beginning of class that I kind of liked, but I hated how harsh it sounded. I want one that flows nicely but I'm beginning to think that's not possible. Every one I make is either too bouncy and "elastic" or it just has a plain annoying sound to it. So basically, I spent my class making a ton of synths that were absolutely terrible.They all sounded too harsh and twangy. The one I liked (which I proceeded to mess up) has a kind of smooth sound, nut not nearly as much as I wanted to. I started with a sine wave, but altered it quite a bit. What I have right now has a shape at about 17%, tension at about -5, skew at about 35%, and I left the other 3 alone. That's all in operator 1. My operator 2 kind of ruins the other synth, so I'm going to take it out. I think one of my problems with the other attempts I made was making them too complicated. I complicated pitch envelope along with a complicated volume envelope used in two different operators sounds.. bad. Unless you really know what you're doing and exactly what alterations every single slider makes, which I don't at this point. Therefore, I'm not going to talk about my operator 2, because I'm just going to take it out. I made a volume envelope that was too complicated in operator 1, so I ended up changing it to just a gradual upward slope. I can never really hear the volume envelope settings anyway, so it doesn't really concern me right now. My filter is set at LP 3. For effects, I have a chorus level set at 9 right now, but I'll probably change that. I have the delay set at 6.00 and the volume at about 15%, and that's the only part of my synth that really sounds good at this point. I'm beginning to think that I just don't like synths. Maybe I just don't like making them. I didn't really enjoy today, mostly because I spent the whole time listening to unpleasant sounds.

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