Monday, September 14, 2009

Project 1- Drum Loop

Hey Everybody.
When I first started experimenting in FLStudio, I didn't think any of my drum patterns sounded good at all. After a while I found out that adding in different sounds that I liked more than the default sounds fixed this. In this drum loop, I tried to use sounds that blended together well. I ended up leaning more towards "jungle" sounds like the tom drums and wood instrument beats, because those were my favorites. I especially tried to do this in the middle pattern, with a little more variation in the other two. I ended up liking the way it sounded all in all before I uploaded it. If I were going to re-upload, though, there are some things I would fix.
a) All of my fills basically sound the same, thanks to the rattle sound . Oops.
b) After listening to it on my blog, it occurred to me that the kick drums are maybe a bit too loud. I'm not sure if that's with my home speakers, though.


  1. Kayla,

    That rattle sound is called a vibraslap and you use it well here. But it alone does not constitute a drum fill. All of your patterns sound the same to me, I can't really tell the difference other than one uses a woodblock sound, and other uses a tom tom sound and the last one uses a hi hat. It's still the same kick pattern that makes it all sound the same.
    I also agree that the bass is too loud.
    You understand the concept and you can use the tools. Your post is good, but your patterns don't contrast as much as I would like them too. I think variations in the kick drum is key.

  2. Hey, Kayla. :)
    I didn't notice MUCH of a difference in your patterns, but you can notice a little bit of a change. Maybe you were right when you said that rattle made it blend all together. Also, I agree with Mr. Rabuse (you could've totally changed the main beat on the bass drum). In the end, you noticed how to better your music-making, though. So, s'all good. XD
    It did remind me of the jungle, though, if that was what you were going for. (The rattle reminded me of the snake, haha, even though that's like...obvious, yeah... 'rattle' snake. :P
